Our Prototypes for ‘Missing Middle’ Housing Published on City of Toronto Website
Our work on the first Beaches-East York Missing Middle pilot project has been published on the City of Toronto website. The project was spearheaded by CreateTO and Build Toronto Inc., in response to the Expanding Housing Options in Neighbourhoods (EHON) initiative to build “missing middle” demonstration projects within established neighbourhoods in Toronto. Our team was selected to create and analyze architectural designs and project parameters that will help determine the financial feasibility of providing a highly sustainable mid-rise (up to a maximum of six storeys) residential built-form typology on a City-owned site. The development targets the highest level of the Toronto Green Standard (TGS Version 4, Tier 3).
As we move forward onto the second CreateTO project within the Beaches-East York ward, we’re excited to see our work publicly accessible to all, and hoping it will spark more creative solutions to Toronto’s housing shortage. This work continues to inform the feasibility of developing a missing middle project on the chosen site, as well as considerations for changes to the development approval process and disposition of the site and future development. We are excited to be the design lead on this critical initiative that will set a precedent for affordable and sustainable housing, with the intent of developing ‘gentle density’ in established neighbourhoods in Toronto.